Source: World Wildlife Fund – Press Release/Statement:
Headline: WWF Statement on Announcement of the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018
In response to the announcement of the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) issued the following statement from Melinda Cep, senior director for policy, food and markets:
“With specifics now on the table, it’s essential for the public conversation around the Farm Bill to prioritize investment in private land conservation programs and technical assistance critical for America’s grasslands and wildlife. WWF will be evaluating any potential changes to environmental protections and looking for better alignment of conservation in the crop insurance program.
“Millions of acres of intact grasslands across the Great Plains are plowed each year for crops, infrastructure, and development. Fortunately, previous Farm Bill funding has helped USDA’s conservation programs engage ranchers and farmers to produce food, fiber, and fuel while keeping grasslands intact. Farm Bill investments in programs like these can bolster environmental, social, and economic benefits and should continue to be readily accessible to producers. The bottom line is that this bill must promote successful conservation efforts, not undermine them.”