Stormwater works mean closures planned next week for State Highway 2 in Featherston

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Drivers heading through Featherston next week must use a short detour at night as contractors carry out drainage works.

State Highway 2 (Fitzherbert Street) will be closed nightly for works between 9 pm and 5:30 am, Sunday, 14 April to Thursday, 18 April. The closure will affect State Highway 2 between Wakefield Street/Bethune Street and Birdwood Street/Lyon Street.

There will also be shoulder closures while contractors continue work during the day. This means on-street parking will be affected. However, the highway will remain open.

Mark Owen, Regional Manager Lower North Island/Top of the South, says contractors will be 

upgrading the stormwater system.

“It means they have to remove old pipes and replace them with new ones. This requires significant excavations, and, unfortunately, it does affect highway traffic.”

“We are timing the most disruptive works at night when traffic volumes are lower. That way, we reduce the impact on road users, residents, and businesses as much as possible,’ Mr Owen says.

Mr Owen says the upgrades are essential.

“Stormwater drains are essential infrastructure, especially at this location which has a history of flooding. Investing in maintenance now prevents bigger problems and bigger impacts on road users and businesses down the track. Please bear with us while our crews get the job done.”

Drivers are strongly urged to follow all traffic management in place and observe temporary speed limits. These measures are in place to ensure everyone’s safety. 

While every effort will be made to get the work completed as quickly as possible, it is weather-dependent, and timing may change if bad weather occurs.

Works Schedule and Detour Routes:

Night works:

  • Sunday, 14 April to Thursday, 19 April. 9 pm – 5:30 am
  • SH2 Fitzherbert Street (between Wakefield and Lyon Street) will be closed at night for the duration of the works.
  • Vehicles must follow sign-posted detours.
  • Between 9 pm and 5.30 am, traffic cannot access Daniell Street from Fitzherbert Street as the intersections will be closed on either side of the road. Access is available via Ravens Street or Fox Street.

Day Works:

  • Monday, 15 April to Friday, 19 April, 9 am – 5:30 pm
  • The road shoulder will be closed. Car parks on Daniell St between Fox St and SH2 Fitzherbert St will be closed. Street parking on SH2 Fitzherbert St outside the Fresh Choice supermarket will also be unavailable.
  • The pedestrian crossing on SH2 Fitzherbert St outside the Fresh Choice supermarket will remain available for people to cross the road.