Resurfacing works continue next week – State Highway 1, Wellington to Tawa 

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

People travelling northbound on State Highway 1 between the Terrace Tunnel and Tawa need to ready for nighttime resurfacing works next week.

Night works are planned on the Wellington Urban Motorway, and also at Tawa.

On Monday and Tuesday nights (3 and 4 March), between 9 pm and 4:30 am, road crews will be carrying out maintenance on the urban motorway’s northbound lanes between Aotea Quay and Ngauranga. This will mean northbound traffic will be reduced to two lanes. Drivers may experience some delays while this work is completed.

On Wednesday and Thursday nights (5 and 6 March), between 9 pm and 4:30 am, resurfacing work will be carried out at Tawa.

On Wednesday night contractors will work on the highway’s northbound lanes between the Tawa on and offramps. Traffic will be detoured via the off and onramps. Drivers can expect short delays.

Wednesday night off/on ramp detour, SH1 Tawa.

On Thursday night, crews will be working on the Tawa southbound offramp, so the offramp will be closed.

Drivers needing to get to Grenada North and Tawa will have to travel south, use the Grenada/Glenside offramp, rejoin State Highway northbound and use the northbound Tawa offramp. This will add to travel times so drivers should plan accordingly.

SH1 North Grenada offramp detour route.

This work on State Highway 1 is a key part of the current state highway summer maintenance programme in Wellington.

On an average day, more than 30,000 vehicles use the northbound lanes on State Highway 1 between Ngauranga and Porirua. This is why regular resurfacing and road maintenance is essential – it improves the road’s surface, making it safer for drivers, and more resilient.

More information

Over the next three years, the Greater Wellington region has $162 million allocated for state highway maintenance and another $116 million ringfenced for state highway pothole prevention – a total investment of $278 million.