Source: Aroturuki Tamariki – the Independent Children’s Monitor
The latest report on Experiences of Care in Aotearoa has found that tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) are still not receiving the minimum standard of care required by the National Care Standards Regulations. The Regulations have been in place since 2019.
The report on agency compliance with the National Care Standards Regulations for the period 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024 was published by Aroturuki Tamariki – Independent Children’s Monitor today. Chief Executive Arran Jones says agencies with custody and care of tamariki and rangatahi are required to comply with these regulations.
“With custody of almost 99 percent of tamariki and rangatahi in care, our findings are mostly about Oranga Tamariki. When the State takes custody of a child, its job is to care for and protect them. Oranga Tamariki is not alone, all government agencies need to see themselves as guardians of these children and make sure they are safe, well cared for, and have their needs met,” Mr Jones says.
“This is our fourth monitoring report and the very slow pace of change shows that the underlying issues are not being addressed in a way that will make a difference to the lives of tamariki and rangatahi in care. The care standards are fundamentally about social work practice, if that’s enabled the standards will be met.
“Social workers are not always able to work effectively, including completing meaningful plans and assessments, visiting tamariki and rangatahi as often as they need, and supporting caregivers and whānau.
“As a result, one third of children are still not being visited by their social worker as often as required, sixty percent of caregivers are not visited as planned and almost a third of rangatahi experience no planning at all for their transition to adulthood.
“Tamariki and rangatahi in care are not prioritised for government services, and funding does not follow the child. We consistently heard about stand-offs between government agencies over who is responsible for paying. Social workers, caregivers and whānau have to seek out services and supports child-by-child, relying on established relationships and goodwill, rather than there being a system that automatically responds to need.
“Tamariki and rangatahi, including those who later become involved in youth justice, are often taken into care because they have been abused or neglected. Ensuring they get the help and support they need will give them the best chance to go on and have good lives. Failure to do so can perpetuate the harm,” says Mr Jones.
The report found more tamariki and rangatahi are being abused in care. In 2023/24, 507 tamariki and rangatahi (nine percent of those in care) were found to have been abused or neglected while in the custody of Oranga Tamariki. The areas where disproportionate levels of abuse continue to occur are in secure residences (mostly by other rangatahi in the residence) and when tamariki and rangatahi return to their parents’ care while in the custody of Oranga Tamariki. For those returned home, supports are not always in place for the parents, and social workers are not visiting when they should.
When rangatahi are getting ready to leave care for adulthood at 18, many get help from the transition service. Often this help comes too late, with only 14 percent referred when they become eligible at 15 years old, and just over half by the age of 16. Oranga Tamariki is often not doing the things it is required to do to prepare young people for leaving care.
“The issues identified in our latest Experiences of Care in Aotearoa report are not new. If they can be addressed, we might start to see progress towards provision of the minimum standard of care. Until then, tamariki and rangatahi will continue to miss out.
“We welcome the extent to which Oranga Tamariki has engaged with this report, and that it will be used to drive performance. However, we are already eight months into the next reporting period and, based on what we have heard so far from our most recent monitoring visits, we are unlikely to see improvement in our next report. From our most recent monitoring visits we’ve heard how the 2024/25 contract funding decisions have damaged relationships, and restricted services that social workers can call on,” says Mr Jones.
Read the report
The National Care Standards Regulations came into effect in 2019 and set out the minimum standards required when a child comes into care. These regulations apply to Oranga Tamariki, Open Home Foundation and any other agency with custody and care responsibilities.
Aroturuki Tamariki – the Independent Children’s Monitor checks that organisations supporting and working with tamariki, rangatahi and their whānau, are meeting their needs, delivering services effectively, and improving outcomes. We monitor compliance with the Oranga Tamariki Act and the associated regulations, including the National Care Standards. We also look at how the wider system (such as early intervention) is supporting tamariki and rangatahi under the Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Act.
Aroturuki Tamariki works closely with its partners in the oversight system, Mana Mokopuna – Children and Young People’s Commission, and the Office of the Ombudsman.