Evolution Traffic Management collapse highlights NZ’s impending infrastructure crisis

Source: First Union

Financial pressures, Government inaction and the changing nature of work have proved insurmountable for Evolution Traffic Management and have ultimately led to the company’s liquidation and the loss of over 100 jobs, FIRST Union said today.
Workers across three Evolution Traffic Management sites in Auckland, Hamilton and Taupo were informed on Friday last week that the business’s liquidation will result in job losses for over 100 employees, marking a difficult and uncertain future ahead.
“The company’s collapse is a direct casualty of the shutdown of rebuilds, the slowdown in roading and infrastructure development, and the sluggish pace of the National Government’s commitment to infrastructure,” said Justin Wallace, FIRST Union organiser.
“Delays in critical projects have forced hundreds of skilled and unskilled infrastructure workers to leave the country, creating a significant risk to New Zealand’s development and growth.”
Mr Wallace said the union is supporting members through the process and pursuing entitlements and redundancy compensation for workers as a first priority for the company ahead of any other creditors and commitments: “There’s a lot of stress and anxiety, and a real fear that workers will walk away with nothing if we don’t prioritise their wellbeing.”
Mr Wallace warned that Evolution Traffic Management will not be the last to fall.
“The slowdown in infrastructure investment is putting entire sectors at risk. The Government has already dropped the ball on manufacturing, and now it seems we’re letting infrastructure slip through our fingers as well,” said Mr Wallace.
“Across the industry, there is a clear and urgent warning: if the Government does not act to give infrastructure companies like Evolution some certainty about future projects and their financial viability, we will continue to lose more workers overseas where their experience and talent are more highly valued and compensated.”
“New Zealand is experiencing an exodus of workers who are seeking better opportunities abroad – a trend exacerbated by the Government’s failure to deliver on its “Back on Track” commitments to working New Zealanders.”
“Instead of putting the country back on track, the current trajectory looks more like an impending derailment.”
“The inability to secure and sustain critical infrastructure jobs is having long-term economic consequences that will take years to recover from if left unaddressed.”
“The loss of skilled workers, the stagnation of infrastructure development, and the ongoing economic instability pose a significant threat to the country’s future. It is time for this Government to get its priorities right to prevent further damage and restore confidence in the sector.”