Putting things right – Waimakariri Road SH5

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Work starts shortly to create a right-turn bay southbound into Waimakariri Road on State Highway 5 (SH5) in South Waikato.

The NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) says the work, which includes some road widening at the T-intersection, will be done during resealing in the area.

It will provide a safe position for vehicles to wait to cross the state highway into Waimakariri Road.

The work and new sealing will be carried out from Monday 3 March to Tuesday 18 March with line marking scheduled in late April. Dates are weather dependent.

Access to properties will be maintained at all times but both SH5 and Waimakariri Road traffic can expect short delays due to some stop/go and speed restrictions in place.

The right-turn bay is one of several safety improvements planned for the stretch of SH5 between Tīrau and Tārukenga Marae Road.

  • A roundabout will be built at SH5/State Highway 28/Harwoods Road starting in September and taking about 8 months to build.
  • Funding has been allocated to complete design for a roundabout at SH28/Whites Road.
  • Funding has also been approved for designing general widening between Whites and Harwoods Roads to allow for wide centrelines.

Between 2014 and 2024, 18 people died and 64 were seriously injured on this section of road between the State Highway1 roundabout at Tīrau and Tārukenga Marae Road on the Rotorua side of the Mamaku Range.

More information is available on the project website:

SH5 Tīrau to Tārukenga safety improvements