Health Crisis – New crisis working group a sign of desperation by Health Minister – PSA

Source: PSA

The Government’s setting up of a crisis health working group won’t help a failing health system unless increased investment is urgently made.
The so-called health assurance unit will operate within Te Kawa Mataao Public Service Commission.
“This is a crisis of the Government’s own making and the unit is another sign of desperation,” said PSA acting national secretary Fleur Fitzsimons.
“The PSA says the answer is simple. Stop the cuts, lift the hiring freeze and fund health properly.
“The health system is being starved of funds by a Government which has chosen saving dollars over saving lives, tax cuts over a properly funded health system.
“That’s why the PSA has filed urgent legal proceedings with the Employment Relations Authority to stop the planned cuts.
“This all comes on top of three high profile resignations including the Health NZ CEO and Director General of Health.
“It’s time for action, not a working group, before frontline health services are further eroded and patients suffer.”