Source: Peace Action Wellington
In a report released today, the Independent Police Conduct Authority has called for new standalone legislation directed at preemptively policing protest.
“I completely reject the IPCA recommendation for a specific protest law. It will limit our fundamental rights and freedoms,” said Valerie Morse.
“We already have a great protest law: it’s called the NZ bill of rights.”
“Police regularly try to limit or shut down protests that are simply embarrassing or unhelpful for the government. They cannot be trusted to prioritise people’s rights at protests.”
“I have been arrested a number of times at protests. When these charges have gone to court the judge has thrown them out. If the police had had their way these protests never would have occurred.”
“Just because similar jurisdictions have laws about policing protests doesn’t mean that they are a good idea. The US, UK and Australia are all suffering from extreme democratic deficits – in part due to authoritarian responses like these anti-protest laws.”