Driver in custody following fleeing driver incident

Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

One man is in custody after earlier being located in a vehicle with mismatching plates.

Before 3pm, the vehicle was detected travelling city-bound on the Northwestern Motorway.

Inspector Kerry Watson says Police staff went to approach the blue Subaru in Western Springs a short time later.

“Instead, the driver took off from Police at speed on Great North Road towards Pt Chevalier.

“Police have not pursued this vehicle, but the Police Eagle helicopter continued to monitor this vehicle’s erratic and dangerous driving behaviour.”

The vehicle was driven across numerous central Auckland suburbs and the CBD, before heading towards Three Kings and eventually Onehunga.

Spikes were successfully deployed on multiple occasions.

Just after 3.30pm, the vehicle entered the car park at Dress Smart shopping centre in Onehunga.

“Our staff blocked the vehicle in before taking the male driver into custody,” Inspector Watson says.

Three Police vehicles suffered damage in the process of stopping the vehicle.

“It is pleasing that this matter has been concluded without putting anyone in further harm’s way,” Inspector Watson says.

“The man is now in Police custody and charges will follow in due course.”

Inspector Watson says Police ask any members of the public who witnessed the blue Subaru’s driving this afternoon, to contact Police.

You can contact 105 using the reference number P061434786.


Jarred Williamson/NZ Police