Energy Sector – ERANZ welcomes Hon Simon Watts as Energy Minister

Source: Electricity Retailers’ Association of New Zealand (ERANZ)

The Electricity Retailers’ Association of New Zealand (ERANZ) congratulates Minister Watts on his appointment as Energy Minister and welcomes him to the role.

ERANZ Chief Executive Bridget Abernethy says it’s good to see the Energy portfolio combined with Climate Change under the same minister because it further supports pragmatic policy solutions as New Zealand transitions to a clean, secure, and renewable energy system.

“There is a huge amount of work underway as New Zealand (and the rest of the world) transitions to a renewable electricity system. Thanks to our electricity generation base, which is already 85-90% renewable, we’re well-placed for this transition.”

However, Abernethy says much more investment is required over the coming years to meet rising demand and to reach NetZero by 2050.

“ERANZ members will be investing $10 billion by 2030 alone, and the Government has a key role in fostering this investment.”

She says ERANZ is looking forward to working with the Government to position New Zealand for a prosperous future powered by renewable electricity.

“ERANZ supports the measured work the Electricity Authority is doing with its task force and the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) current policy programme.

“We look forward to working with the new Minister to seek market-based solutions that drive the best long-term outcomes for consumers and support a low-carbon, electrified future for New Zealand.”

Abernethy also said ERANZ would like to thank and acknowledge Hon Simeon Brown for his work as Energy Minister.

“We wish Minister Brown well in his new portfolios.”