Te Matawai – Investment round opens to boost te reo Māori resurgence

Source: Te Matawai

Te Mātāwai is kicking off the new year with the opening of applications for the 2025-2026 Investment Round.
Each year, Te Mātāwai invite kāinga, hapori and iwi from around Aotearoa to apply for investment for kaupapa that revitalise te reo Māori such as kura reo, classes, wānanga, language planning or reo resources.
Tumu Whakarae, Poia Rewi, says the ever-growing hunger and passion for reo Māori revitalisation is reflected in the annual increase in registrations and applications.
“Last year, we received a record number of 543 applications, more than double the amount received in 2022 which was 251. The investment team anticipates a further increase this year.”
This year, Te Mātāwai are focusing on the importance of Kaitono (applicants) aligning their projects to the Investment Plan priorities and criteria of their respective Kāhui (regional and sector-based clusters).
“We’ve been pushing out a suite of investment-related social media content, so our Kaitono have the information they need to submit a good quality application for projects that increase reo use,” Poia says.
Since the last Investment Round, we have published our Statement of Intent 2024-2027 that outlines our focus on two key priorities for reo revitalisation: Tukuihotanga (deliberate intergenerational transmission) and Hononga Hapori Reo (connected Māori language communities). Kāhui Investment Plans have been updated to support these priorities.
“We all know that intergenerational transmission and connected Māori language communities are key to whānau restoring te reo within our homes and communities. Our 2040 vision is Hawaiki Mokopuna, representing a time and place where te reo Māori is safe and intergenerational transmission is uninterrupted,” says Poia.
Whānau, hapū and iwi who wish to apply for investment to support their reo Māori projects have until 31 January to register. Applications close on Friday 28 February. You must register to apply for investment.
 1.Te Mātāwai is an independent entity, working in partnership with the Crown to lead Māori language revitalisation for iwi Māori as Kaitiaki of the Māori language. Te Mātāwai was established by Te Ture mō te Reo Māori (Māori Language Act 2016).