Fire Safety – Temporary fire ban ends in Te Tai Tokerau Northland

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

After suspending fire permits earlier this week, Fire and Emergency New Zealand is now allowing fire permits already issued to be used again from 8 am Monday 20 January.
This decision returns Te Tai Tokerau to a restricted fire season, which means outdoor fires can only be lit with fire permits authorised by Fire and Emergency.
Northland District Manager Wipari Henwood says the extreme fire risk identified earlier in the week has subsided.
“The cooler, damper conditions make it less likely that a fire will get out of control,” he says.
“We’re allowing people to light fires with permits again, but – as always – we expect that they take great care in how and where fires are lit, and fires are properly extinguished in line with our guidance.
“If you aren’t sure what the restrictions are for your location, go to for guidance and to apply for a fire permit if you need one.”