MPI completes first phase of investigation into alleged animal welfare breaches

Source: Ministry for Primary Industries

A dedicated team at MPI has completed the first phase of an investigation into allegations of mistreatment of sheep connected to shearing practices, says Glen Burrell, director Compliance and Response at MPI.

“Our team has analysed 235 video files and we continue to speak to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), industry groups and farm owners, and have also made proactive visits to farms,” says Mr Burrell.

“I want to thank everyone for their support and cooperation so far.

“We have identified some instances in the video footage which are very concerning, and these are our focus in the next phase of the investigation.

“There are a range of actions we can take in response, to ensure the protection of animals and to hold those who mistreat animals to account. In this case it could include prosecution and disqualifying individuals from working with animals.”

Separate to the investigation, MPI is working with wool sector groups to establish an oversight group to support good animal welfare practice and continuous improvement in the industry.

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