Kopinga Marae

Source: New Zealand Governor General

Manawareka tch mauriora

It is such a great privilege for Richard and me to come to Kopinga.

Thank you so much for inviting us to be here today – and for taking us to see the rakau momori and for sharing your knowledge with us.

I appreciate what this beautiful, tranquil building has come to represent: your aroha and respect for your karapuna [ancestors], your commitment to your identity, culture, language, and heritage – and to the legacy of peace bequeathed to you.

I acknowledge the struggle to maintain a Moriori identity and commend you for your work to revive Te Re Moriori as a living language, and bring together here knowledge about your traditions and customs.

You have honoured your ancestors by holding fast to what matters.  You have created a foundation for Moriori to build on for the future.

I wish you all the very best with your mission.

Me rongo