Business – EMA supports refinements to Accredited Employer Work Visa system

Source: EMA

The Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) supports the announcement made today by Immigration Minister Erica Stanford to continue to refine the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV).
EMA Senior Policy Advisor Joanna Hall says employers need timely access to the skills they need to ensure they stay competitive.
“The EMA supports efforts to streamline the AEWV system and improve its timeliness,” she says.
“In particular, it’s good to see the removal of the median wage threshold, which has contributed to recent inflation challenges.”
“However, the devil is often in the detail when it comes to immigration changes and implementation.
“We’d like to see an AEWV system that is well designed for all users and doesn’t impose undue compliance processes and costs onto employers.”
Hall says that refinements to the AEWV need to enhance New Zealand’s international attractiveness as a country that welcomes talented and qualified migrants.
“These changes are positive steps, and we look forward to further moves by the government to help employers secure the skilled migrants that will increase the country’s economic wellbeing,” she says.