Appointments – GenPro adds new board member, confirms leadership roles for coming year

Source: GenPro

Following GenPro’s annual meeting on December 11, GenPro Chair Dr Angus Chambers Is pleased to announce the following appointments to the GenPro Board.

GenPro members re-elected two valued board members at the AGM. In addition the board co-opted a new board member and confirmed the Chair and Deputy Chair for the coming year.  
Re-elected Board Members

Michelle Te Kira is General Manager of Three Rivers Medical in Gisborne, which is an owner-operated Very Low Cost Access general practice.

Of Ngāti Porou descent, Michelle has worked in the health sector since 2005, and her experience is extensive and diverse.  Michelle is passionate about reducing inequalities in health care and working with very high needs and Māori populations.
Michelle was first elected to the GenPro board in 2021 and stood for re-election in accordance with GenPro’s constitution.

Bethan Rajwer  is the Practice Manager, Takapuna Health. She represents owner-operator general practice business owners. Bethan is a strong advocate for GenPro and has knowledge and direct experience in the primary health sector.
Bethan brings a broad perspective to the board with 20 years’ experience in medical administration, an in-depth knowledge of systems and processes, and passion for continuous improvement and strategic development.
Bethan was elected to the GenPro Board in 2023 and stood for re-election.
Chair Dr Angus Chambers said: “I’m delighted that GenPro members have re-elected Michelle and Bethan, who are both of the highest calibre. Their contributions will continue to shape and support our work as we strive to make a positive impact in primary health care.”

New Co-Opted Board Member

Dr Hiria Nielsen  is a General Practitioner and part-owner of Three Rivers Medical in Turanganui-a-Kiwa (Gisborne), and also a GP at Queen St Practice in Te Wairoa.
From Māhia, Hiria is of Rongomaiwhanie, Ngāti Porou and Ngai Tāmanuhiri descent.
She looks forward to bringing a Te Ao Māori lens to the important work carried out by GenPro.
Dr Chambers said: “We are thrilled to have Hiria join the board as a co-opted member.  Her obvious belief in general practice and her standing in Te Ao Māori will provide an invaluable perspective as we continue to drive toward our goals.  We look forward to Hiria’s contributions in strengthening our impact and advancing our vision.”

Chair and Deputy Chair Re-appointed By Board

Re-appointed as Chair of the board, Dr Chambers has a wealth of expertise in advocacy, primary care politics and as a representative on PSAAP, the PHO Services Agreement Amendment Protocol Group.  As Chair he will continue to guide the board in fulfilling its mission and overseeing strategic direction.

Dr Stephanie Taylor, re-appointed as Deputy Chair, will continue to work closely with the Chair and board members to drive effective governance and support organisational objectives.

“I’m delighted to confirm these arrangements and look forward to working alongside the high-performing GenPro board – which also includes Dr Mary English, Dr Vicky Jones, and Dr Mark Peterson – and with our hard-working Chief Executive, Mark Liddle, in the year ahead,” Dr Chambers said.

GenPro members are owners and providers of general practices and urgent care centres throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. For more information visit