New firearms safety changes welcomed by Fish & Game

Source: Fish and Game NZ

These changes herald a new approach to supporting individuals and families to become licenced firearms owners.
What Fish & Game knows is that there is a growing interest in individuals and families getting out in our wild places to harvest free-range sustainable kai for their whanau.
Ta Tari Pureke, the Firearms Safety Authority, recently announced changes to the firearms licencing process that will allow new firearms users to receive more practical instruction in the use of firearms in a supervised environment.
The future firearms safety education developments Ta Tari Pureke has announced will require the wider firearms community’s involvement in this process. It is a great opportunity to develop consistent nationwide standards of firearms safety.
Fish & Game sees value in collaborative initiatives that provide a safe, supportive environment for new hunters, with firearms safety at its core. It is important to provide these pathways as traditional approaches to firearms ownership and use are changing.
Fish & Game NZ CEO Corina Jordan says, “Fish & Game NZ totally supports new firearms licence holders having practical hands-on experience in using firearms in a safe environment”.
“With the success of our ReWild Aotearoa campaign, we are seeing new people come into hunting who have no familial connection to firearms or hunting and wanting to learn”.
“It’s vital that these new users are provided an environment where they can be instructed in the safe handling and use of firearms in a consistent manner”.
“Our wider firearms community of clubs and ranges throughout the country is a key partner in helping the Firearms Safety Authority achieve this goal”.
“Our Game bird hunters know the value of our clubs and ranges as a vital component of pre-season hunting preparation, and Fish & Game is pleased that they will be given an opportunity to share that value with new firearms users”.
“Fish & Game looks forward to working with Ta Tari Pureke to build events and resources that provide pathways to hunting, with firearms safety and licencing at its core”.