Luxon Folds on ACT’s Treaty Principles Bill

Source: Te Pati Maori

Te Pāti Māori Co-Leader, Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, is calling Luxon’s leadership a joke after it was revealed this morning on Q+A that ACT’s Treaty Principles Bill was not a bottom line.

“New Zealand officially has a laughing-stock Prime Minister whose leadership folded as he trades away the rights of tangata whenua for a taste of power,” says Ngarewa-Packer.

“What we now know is that the Treaty Principles Bill was not a bottom line for coalition negotiations. Instead, Luxon caved to Seymour and the ACT Party’s demands.

“Christopher Luxon’s leadership is a laughing stock. He is gutless and is being dog-walked by his handlers—ACT and New Zealand First.

“The wool can no longer be pulled over the eyes of New Zealanders when Luxon says he does not support the Treaty Principles Bill. He has clearly folded, and we must be on full alert for what Luxon will trade away next.

“We must continue to apply the pressure, continue to unite in kotahitanga, and commit to making this a one-term government,” she said.