Pacific Parliaments welcomed for Tāhuna a Tara Conference

Source: New Zealand Parliament

Media Release
25 November 2024

New Zealand Parliament will welcome representatives from 14 Pacific regions this week for the Tāhuna a Tara: Pacific Speakers, Presiding Officers, and Clerks Conference.

Hosted by the Speaker of the House Rt Hon Gerry Brownlee and Clerk of the House Dr David Wilson, Tāhuna a Tara is an opportunity to strengthen Aotearoa New Zealand’s support to Pacific legislatures, and allows Parliamentary counterparts to share experiences, explore issues, and develop learning.

The theme for this year’s conference is Niu beginnings and navigating the waves: Embracing change and adapting to a changing environment. It acknowledges the ways Parliaments have had to adapt in recent years following the pandemic, and also the upcoming general elections that are happening in several Pacific regions in the next few years.

Activities on the agenda include presentations of case studies from each of the legislatures, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities. New Zealand Presiding Officers Barbara Kuriger, Greg O’Connor, and Teanau Tuiono will be attending, while Hon Poto Williams will give a keynote address.

The conference is part of the Tai a Kiwa: Stronger Pacific Parliament’s programme. The programme gives support across the Pacific to strengthen the role and functions of parliaments and enhance inter-parliamentary relations.

The conference will begin with a Pōwhiri on Wednesday 27 November, and will conclude on Friday 29 November.


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