Appointments – Kerry Gregory confirmed as Chief Executive for a further two years

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

The Board of Fire and Emergency New Zealand is pleased to announce the reappointment of Kerry Gregory as Chief Executive for a further two years, from 1 July 2025 through until 30 June 2027. Mr Gregory will also take on the operational leadership role of National Commander from 1 February 2025.
Board Chair Rebecca Keoghan says, “Kerry was appointed to his role in 2022 and since then he has led from the front through change, a range of challenges and some of the most extreme weather events Aotearoa New Zealand has seen in decades. All the while, he has kept the organisation on the path set by the Board including continuing to build a safe, positive, and inclusive workplace that is financially prudent.”
“Kerry’s mana within the organisation, his continued and clearly demonstrated leadership and his resilience ensured that the Board was unanimous in our decision to extend his tenure.”
“The scope of Fire and Emergency’s response continues to change, as do the needs of the communities we serve. There is a lot still to do and the Board is confident that Fire and Emergency remains in good hands as it continues to evolve over the next two years.”
“I am proud of what Kerry has achieved since he stepped into the Chief Executive role and through what has been, on occasion, challenging times. And I know that his reappointment will provide valuable stability to Fire and Emergency as we continue our important mahi for Aotearoa New Zealand.”
Mr Gregory says, “It is an honour and a privilege to continue to lead an organisation that gives so much back to Aotearoa New Zealand in so many ways every single day. I am proud of what I have achieved to date, and for what is still to come.”