Look out for toxic algae in our rivers and lakes this summer

Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

What causes toxic algae?

Toxic algae is a natural algae found in rivers and lakes in New Zealand. In the summertime the algae can increase in size and bloom.

There are many factors that drive the growth of the algae including water temperature, flow rate as well as nutrients present.  

Toxic algae poisoning symptoms

Symptoms of cyanobacteria toxin poisoning in animals include lethargy, muscle tremors, fast breathing, twitching, paralysis, and convulsions. If you suspect your dog is suffering from cyanobacteria poisoning, contact your vet immediately. 

For humans, if you have been in contact with water containing cyanobacteria, you may experience tingling or numbness around the fingertips and/or mouth, breathing difficulty, gastrointestinal symptoms, or skin rashes. If you feel any of these symptoms after contact with a waterway, seek medical advice from your doctor or contact Healthline on 0800 611 116.