Agriculture – OSPRI to bring TB testing in-house

Source: OSPRI New Zealand

OSPRI’s Board of Directors recently approved plans to insource the delivery of on-farm TB testing. This follows the recent decision from AsureQuality to not renew their contract with OSPRI for on-farm TB testing services.
“Livestock TB testing remains an indispensable part of the TBfree programme, and we’re working hard to ensure it continues at cattle and deer farms across New Zealand” says Simon Andrew, OSPRIs General Manager, Disease Control Planning and Integration.
“We’re excited by this step in OSPRI’s growth as an integrated disease management agency. By insourcing the service, it brings us closer to our farmers and that’s particularly important given the crucial part they play in our TB eradication programme”.
By delivering TB testing themselves, OSPRI believes there are other benefits too. Firstly, it introduces more agility, whether that’s responsiveness to emerging technology or when changes in TB testing are needed quickly. Then by integrating on-farm TB testing OSPRI will look to bring in certified people already familiar to farmers and, as such, reduce the risk of disruption to the TBfree programme.
“We have a unique opportunity to welcome specifically skilled and experienced people to OSPRI, as well as assisting those individuals who may be interested in becoming a certified technician. Either way, it’s a great way to strengthen our bench, and our discussions with current TB testers have already been met with an enthusiastic response”.
That said, Simon acknowledges, as OSPRI moves forward with this new approach, and refine the delivery of this work, the organisation could rely on pockets of sub-contracting – where it makes sense to do so.
“We are extremely proud of our mahi and the people that have worked alongside farmers to provide these important services for the TBfree programme. We are pleased that there are opportunities within OSPRI which will utilise the talent of these specialist roles to support the ongoing success of the programme” says Kim Ballinger, CEO of AsureQuality.
OSPRI will take over on-farm TB testing on 1 July 2025, before then the organisations are working closely to ensure a smooth transition for farmers.
During the transitionary period testing has been reduced in lower-risk areas. More information about livestock TB testing, and how OSPRI manages disease control in different areas of New Zealand, can be found at its website.