Operation Nickel – Police set to enforce new gangs act laws

Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

Police around the country are ready to enforce new laws that kick in from midnight tonight, providing extra tools to target gang-related crime and intimidation.

Assistant Commissioner Paul Basham says Police will be actively enforcing any breaches of the Gangs Act 2024.

“If you wear a gang patch in public, or display a sign or symbol associated with a gang, you can expect the attention of Police, either at the time of the offence, or at a time that suits us,” he says.

In preparation for the new laws, Police launched Operation Nickel — a nationally-led and coordinated plan to support staff around the country with the new enforcement powers.

“This operation sets us up well to respond to breaches and enforce the law accordingly.

“There will be no excuses. Anyone found in breach of the law can expect the certainty that Police will take action.

“It’s important to note that Police will continue to prioritise calls for service.

“This means there may be situations where a breach has occurred, and Police aren’t able to respond at the time.

“In these cases, wherever possible, we will be gathering available evidence to follow through with enforcement action at a later time.”

This work will be the focus of our new Gang Disruption Units, which are dedicated teams across the country to help identify, target and catch priority offenders.

This includes following up on reports of breaches and, where appropriate, obtaining sufficient information to enable the subsequent execution of search warrants and arrests to recover patches or other insignia.

“Our message is simple — Parliament has passed a law, it’s our job to enforce the law, and we will be enforcing it,” Assistant Commissioner Basham says.

Police staff have undergone training to understand the new law, and how it is to be policed.


Notes for media: 

An overview and FAQs about the Gangs Act are available at:


Gangs Act 2024