New Zealand Down Syndrome Association National Achievement Awards

Source: New Zealand Governor General

E kui mā, e koro mā, e huihui nei, tēnei aku mihi nui ki a koutou. Kia ora tātou katoa.

I’d like to specifically acknowledge: Gwen Matchitt, New Zealand Down Syndrome Association President; Bev Smith, Committee Member; Zandra Vaccarino and Linda te Kaat, National Executive Officers; and Bridget Snedden, Down Syndrome International President and Life Member of the NZDSA.

Tēnā koutou katoa. I am delighted to welcome you all to Government House Wellington for this very special event – honouring recipients of this year’s New Zealand Down Syndrome Association Awards.

I’ve served as Governor-General of Aotearoa New Zealand for three years, and during that time, I’ve been fortunate to meet many extraordinary New Zealanders, pushing the boundaries in their chosen fields – whether the CEOs of world-leading companies, Oscar-winning filmmakers, or Olympic-champion athletes. I am always inspired by their drive to achieve the very pinnacle in whatever they’ve chosen to pursue.

However, I find myself most moved by those people I meet, who not only achieve remarkable things, but who consciously and selflessly give back wherever they can: New Zealanders who use their achievements, talents, and energy to inspire others. I know that today’s audience is filled with such people.

Before this event, I had the great pleasure of reading the citations for each of today’s recipients. I was so impressed, not only by what you’ve each achieved as athletes and in your professional lives, doing what you love – but also for your desire to lift others up through your example, and for your relentlessly positive attitude to whatever obstacles come before you.

It was President Barack Obama who put it so well when he said: ‘If you go out and make good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, and you will fill yourself with hope.’

As part of today’s awards ceremony, we will soon acknowledge the Rapid Relief Team – and I wish to express my thanks, for your commitment and the immense generosity you have demonstrated in your support of the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association and associated regional groups throughout the country.

To the newest members of STRIVE also being acknowledged this afternoon: thank you for being such outstanding ambassadors and advocates, and for ensuring that the voices of those with Down syndrome are heard.

Finally, I wish to acknowledge the National Down Syndrome Association, including staff and volunteers, for your all your work in in supporting and empowering those with Down syndrome and their whānau; promoting awareness of Down syndrome to help foster positive attitudes across our communities; and advocating for the inclusion of people with Down syndrome across all parts of society.

Over these past 43 years, your organisation has had such a positive impact on so many lives – and, on behalf of all New Zealanders, I extend my very sincerest thanks.

The whakataukī says: ‘He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tangata. Goodwill towards others is a precious treasure.’ As I look out into this room, I see the truth of those words. As Governor-General, I could not be any prouder or more honoured meet you all, and to host and present these awards here today.

Kia ora, kia kaha, huihui tātou katoa.