BusinessNZ – Cross-party consensus congratulated on PPP Framework

Source: BusinessNZ

BusinessNZ congratulates the National, Labour and ACT parties for their shared endorsement of an updated framework for public private partnerships.
BusinessNZ Chief Executive Katherine Rich said major, enduring infrastructure assets needed to be built on the basis of consensus across parties, and the fact that the updated PPP framework had the endorsement of three major parties represented in Parliament was extremely good news.
“New Zealand’s infrastructure deficit is significant and is a barrier to economic growth. We have a pressing need for large-scale infrastructure construction over coming years, and need an agreed framework by which this can be optimally achieved.
“This level of consensus in this important area is cause for celebration,” Mrs Rich said.
The BusinessNZ Network including BusinessNZ, EMA, Business Central, Business Canterbury and Business South, represents and provides services to thousands of businesses, small and large, throughout New Zealand.