Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
A concrete culvert is soon to be replaced at Gorge Creek, between Alexandra and Roxburgh on SH8. The work is estimated to take a fortnight from the end of November and NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is doing it overnight to minimise disruptions for most drivers.
People who travel on this section of SH8 will need to build in extra time and be ready for short delays, says Nicole Felts, Journey Manager for NZTA in Otago.
“We are taking the opportunity to replace the culvert before completing the road rehabilitation. The current one-metre diameter culvert is an older concrete pipe that was on our list to be renewed so we are using this opportunity to combine both into one package of works,” says Miss Felts.
The highway approach to the Gorge Creek culvert.
Night-times – up to an hour’s delay for a fortnight
Night work will start at 8 pm, Sunday 24 November and run through to 6am Friday 6 December. This will involve a full road closure at night, opening at the top of each hour to clear traffic.
During the day the site will be unattended with one lane closure and up to 10 minutes delay to clear traffic in each direction.
Fixing the highway itself – flanking Christmas/New Year
As well as the culvert replacement, NZTA also needs to reseal SH8 near the creek. Day work on the highway surface will start Monday, 9 December, from 7am to 7pm, weekdays, for up to ten weeks to early March.
Work will break before Christmas on 20 December and restart Tuesday 14 January.
Around 1.3 km of highway will be reconstructed north of Gorge Creek. The seal will remain intact in the lead-in to Christmas but full reconstruction will get underway from mid-January. There will be delays of up to ten minutes around this work with the highway operating as a single lane with traffic lights controlling movements.
“We know this work runs through the Christmas holidays so thanks to all drivers coming into Central Otago on SH8 being ready for short daytime delays and, if travelling at night in the lead-in to Christmas, aiming for the top of the hour to get through at Gorge Creek,” says Miss Felts.
All work is weather dependent, so dates are estimates at this stage.
There is no detour available.