Part of SH6, South Westland Highway, re-opened from 5pm Monday, 11 November

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is advising road users that SH6 between Fox Glacier and Paringa re-opened to all traffic from 5pm today.

Other sections of the road remain closed or subject to travel restrictions, as detailed below

SH6 Paringa to Moeraki: CLOSED OVERNIGHT. Opening daily on the hour, every hour between 9am and 6pm from Tuesday 12 November. Next update 5pm Friday 15 November. Expect delays of up to 60 minutes. Vehicles will be piloted through via single-lane access.

SH6 Epitaph Slip/Knights Point: SH6 Moeraki to Haast remains closed – next update 5pm Sunday 17 November.
