Media are invited to the 379 Zion Armstrong Police recruit wing graduation

Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

New Zealand Police is pleased to announce that the 379-recruit wing will be graduating from their initial training course on Thursday morning 14 November in front of whānau and friends.

Attending the ceremony will be Commissioner Tania Kura and the Police executive, Hon Mark Mitchell, Minister for Police, along with Wing Patron, Zion Armstrong.

Wing 379’s prize-winners are spread across five policing jurisdictions, namely Northland, Counties Manukau, Central, Wellington and Canterbury Districts.

More details about statistics, prize winners and other recruits will be shared after graduation on Thursday.

Wing Patron for the 379s is Zion Armstrong who is a successful, highly regarded business leader and former athlete.

In his time as an athlete Zion became a New Zealand champion and record-holder in the 400m hurdles and represented New Zealand at the Kuala Lumpur Commonwealth Games in 1998. Through his athletics links he started working in the sportswear industry at the age of 16.

Zion later joined Adidas, where he climbed through the company ranks working in Germany, Hong Kong, South Korea, and the United States before being named president for Adidas North America. 

Zion’s life could have gone down a very different track if it wasn’t for the help of a Kiwi cop and athletics coach (the late Ross Dallow – father of Wing 376 patron Simon Dallow), who showed him a different path.

Zion has never forgotten the impact of his first mentor and during his career has always worked to help anyone who asks for it. 

During his two decades offshore, and now back in New Zealand since 2022, he has used his Māori and Pacific values to connect and empower teams, foster a diverse and inclusive culture, and grow talent.

He believes if you put people first, results will always follow. 

Media are welcome to attend the graduation parade which takes place at 10am, Thursday 14 November at The Te Rauparaha Arena, Porirua.

Please RSVP to Police Media Centre as soon as possible:


Issued by Police Media Centre