Key stretch of road in New Plymouth to be rebuilt

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

A stretch of State Highway 3 Courtenay Street in New Plymouth will be closed to southbound traffic overnight later this month while crews work to rebuild the road.

The work, between Courtenay and Pendarves Streets, will start on the evening on Thursday 21 November and is expected to take 12 nights to complete.

Crews will operate between 7pm and 6am on Sunday–Friday each week. Work will not take place on Saturday nights.

During the work, SH3 between Pendarves and Courtenay Street will be closed to southbound traffic at night between 7pm and 6am. Northbound traffic will continue to have access.

The intersection of SH3 and SH45 Leach Street (southbound) will remain open to all traffic during works, but may be reduced to a single lane at times.

Access to side streets, such as SH3 Courtney Street and Lemon Street, will be impacted during works.

Alternative routes will be available – please follow the directions of onsite crews.

Access to all businesses and homes in the work area will be maintained throughout the works.

Outside working hours, all roads within the site will be open during the day, with a temporary lower speed in place.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi is advising road users to plan their overnight journeys. Please be patient as crews undertake the work.