Education – National award for Ara Primary Industry Business Management student

Source: Ara Institute of Canterbury

With a strong study and work ethic, Anna England is certainly not one to let the grass grow under her feet.
The Ara Institute of Canterbury student is completing her Diploma in Primary Industry Business Management while working full time at Elliott’s Wholesale Nursery in Amberley, North Canterbury.
Now she’s celebrating a national win.
After taking out the Young Plant Producer of the Year title earlier this year, England earned a spot in the sector-wide Young Horticulturist of the Year awards which were held in Auckland last week.
After two days testing the industry knowledge and the practical, leadership, business and speechmaking skills of five finalists, Anna was thrilled to come out on top.
“I felt a bit of disbelief in the moment, which quickly turned into nerves and excitement when I walked on stage to accept the win and give a thank you speech. My employer Caroline was at the dinner with me, and she was really excited for me!”
Anna said it’s that kind of encouragement from her employers that gave her the nudge to do the Diploma in Primary Industry Business Management.
“I really like study, and they know that. So, when we got an email advertising the programme they were supportive of me doing it and gave me time off to attend the online lecture each week,” she said.
With a business degree from Victoria University and a diploma in horticulture from Lincoln University under her belt, England is no stranger to study, but she said the one -year Diploma in Primary Industry Business Management offered by Ara and Primary ITO was very different.
“It’s my first fully online study which I was worried about. But really, the lectures set the context of the study, and you use your day to day at work to apply it and learn. Unlike previous study, nearly all the assignments are based on your place of employment, and it is up to you to get creative with fitting it into your workplace.
She said the course content had set her up for success for her tilt at the national Young Horticulturist award.
“The speech was on risk mitigation of drought and deluge events which lined up nicely with my current risk management course. Just two weeks ago I submitted a business plan for a big assignment and that came in handy for a large element of the competition on innovation. Another component was to write a report on sustainability in my life and not long ago I’d completed a report focussing on the sustainability efforts of the nursery. It was all very useful!”
Aiming to complete the course by mid next year, Anna said the diploma was helping fit her knowledge together.
“The practical aspect is valuable. You’re not just doing theory all the time, it’s a good mix of hands-on. You can apply this knowledge to your business right now.”
She says while they’ve all been useful, for her the HR module was particularly interesting.
“I think the course does a really good job of laying the foundations for people to feel confident at managing a primary industry business. For me personally, it’s helped me to better understand all the different components of the business I work at.”
She said having tutors that knew the sector was invaluable.
“As well as the theory side of things, the Ara tutors have the practical skills from being in the field running businesses first hand. They know what questions to ask to get us thinking, talking and sharing during the lectures.
“The Primary ITO course advisors support us with enrolment and planning but also check in to make sure we are on track and that the course is proving useful.”
This award-winning student seems well on track for further growth in her rewarding career.