Labour, Greens and Te Pāti Māori call on the Prime Minister to block the Treaty Principles Bill

Source: Green Party

The opposition parties stand united for an Aotearoa that honours Te Tiriti, rather than seeking to rewrite it. Labour, the Greens and Te Pāti Māori are working together against the Government’s divisive Treaty Principles Bill. 

The three opposition parties are listening to the clear and unified voice of Te Iwi Māori. 

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister is sidelining these voices and ignoring a scathing Waitangi Tribunal report, while pandering to a dangerous, reactionary fringe. It’s time for Christopher Luxon to stand by his word to Māori at Waitangi this year that he will “Honour the Treaty”.

“This Government is waging war on our existence as Māori and on the fabric of this nation. To all the people of Aotearoa, we need you. We need you all to join the Hīkoi for Te Tiriti. Tangata Whenua, Tangata Moana, Tangata Tiriti, this fight belongs to all of us,” Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi said.

“We are a movement that leaves no one behind. We are uniting for the Aotearoa our mokopuna deserve to inherit. This kaupapa is bigger than each of us,” Te Pāti Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer said.

“Governments come and go. Politicians come and go. Te Tiriti is foundational and enduring. Honouring Te Tiriti is the constitutional obligation of every Prime Minister – something Christopher Luxon must take personal responsibility for. Our nation has real, deep issues to deal with instead of this desperate, divisive, imported culture war,” Green Party Co-leader, Chlöe Swarbrick said.

“This bill fails to uphold the promises made in the Treaty and disregards the voices of Māori. It is essential that we protect the principles of partnership, participation, and protection that the Treaty embodies,” Labour leader Chris Hipkins said.

Labour Party, the Greens and Te Pāti Māori call on all New Zealanders mobilise with them against this bill and advocate for a future that respects Te Tiriti.