Have your say on the Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Legislation Amendment Bill

Source: New Zealand Parliament

The bill seeks to enhance oversight and monitoring of the Oranga Tamariki system by making structural changes to the Independent Children’s Monitor and the Children and Young People’s Commission. The bill would do this by amending the Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Act 2022 and the Children and Young People’s Commission Act 2022. Amendments to the Acts would include:

  • Making the Independent Children’s Monitor an independent Crown entity
  • Disestablishing the board model of the Children and Young Peoples Commission and reverting it to an independent Crown entity with a single Children’s Commissioner
  • Providing for consequential and transitional arrangements for the Monitor and Commission to enable a transition of functions, such as: general workforce issues, transfer of information, assets and liabilities and the new appointments for the Monitor and Commissioner.

The bill does not propose any changes to the roles of the Independent Children’s Monitor, the Children’s Commissioner or the Ombudsman (in situations where complaints are made that relate to children and young people).

Tell the Social Services and Community Committee what you think  

Make a submission on the bill by midnight on Sunday, 8 December 2024.

For more details about the bill:

For media enquiries contact:

Social Services and Community Committee Secretariat

(04) 817 9546 / SocialServices.Community@parliament.govt.nz