Rooted in Education

Source: Auckland Council

Thanks to a generous $10,000 boost from the Howick Local Board, seven schools and early childcare centres in the area, are now thriving as active Garden To Table schools.

Garden To Table is a school-based food and gardening programme and as a registered charity, they support schools and kura across Aotearoa, New Zealand, to take the learning out of the classroom and into the māra kai (garden) and the kīhini (kitchen).

Across East Auckland, being a Garden To Table school gives students the opportunity to dig into hands-on activities, unleash their creativity, and grow lifelong skills – all while learning how cutting food waste can help them cultivate healthier, locally sourced food.

Pakuranga Faith Baptist Kindergarten. L: tamariki harvesting vegetables from their garden to make kai. R: trolley made from rescued ‘waste’ materials, this is used for their Garden to Table ‘Harvest Table’ and equipment.

Board chair Damian Light explains, “We’re proud to support this programme which delivers on a number of our strategic priorities, including promoting healthy living and sustainable lifestyles, reducing waste to landfill, and allowing people to connect with nature.”

Funding was allocated for essential kitchen utensils and equipment, Garden To Table curriculum staff training and introductory sessions for programme champions, kitchen and garden specialists, as well as child-friendly aprons crafted by Sustainable Papakura volunteers.

Howick Primary School: During a Garden to Table session, making pizza scrolls with lots of herbs from their garden.

Ormiston Primary School teacher and programme champion Jenny Moon shares, “Our Garden To Table program has been a hit with the students. We’ve purchased kitchen equipment and composting bins. It’s wonderful to see them engage in planting, caring for the plants, and harvesting ingredients!”

Students participating in Garden to Table Programmes:

Name of School / ECE

Number of students participating in Garden to Table

Cockle Bay Primary School


Howick Primary


New Shoots Pakuranga


Ormiston Primary School


Mission Heights Primary School


Pakuranga Heights Primary School


Baptist Kindergarten Pakuranga


Total Students Participating


Cockle Bay School: flourishing edible garden.

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