BuisnessNZ – Easing the small business burden

Source: BusinessNZ

A new report has highlighted compliance pain-points for small businesses and ways the Government can reduce them, to drive economic growth.
BusinessNZ Chief Executive Katherine Rich says the BusinessNZ Network, in collaboration with the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, hosted roundtables across the country to bring small businesses and Government together.
“This wasn’t simply a listening exercise. These roundtables were a chance to identify the core issues and impacts, to find solutions that this Government can target, and make it easier to run a small business in New Zealand.
Rich says small businesses are constantly bogged down by costly, time-consuming compliance hurdles due to disjointed standards and complex regulations.
“Better streamlining processes and simplifying regulations could help ease the burden, allowing a business to stay competitive and grow our economy.
“The conversation and feedback at these meetings was honest and wide-ranging. It was important that the Government heard directly from small businesses, who make up 97 percent of our economy.
“We thank the businesses who attended our roundtable discussions and shared their experience – as well as officials from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and other Government departments who are working to find solutions together.”