Slovak Republic

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Safe Travel

  • Reviewed: 18 November 2022, 08:21 NZDT
  • Still current at: 22 October 2024

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If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

We advise New Zealanders to exercise increased caution in the Slovak Republic (level 2 of 4).

Slovak Republic

Widespread military action is underway in neighbouring Ukraine. You should not attempt to cross into Ukraine from the Slovak Republic. If you have arrived in the Slovak Republic from Ukraine and are in need of consular assistance, contact the New Zealand Embassy in Austria which is accredited to Hungary at or on +43 1 505 3021, or phone the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs 24/7 Consular emergency line on +64 99 20 20 20 (outside of New Zealand).

Terrorist groups, individuals returning to Europe from areas of conflict, and individuals adhering to various forms of extremist ideologies, continue to make threats to conduct attacks across Europe. Groups adhering to various ideologies have conducted attacks in the past. 

New Zealanders in the Slovak Republic are advised to keep themselves informed of potential risks to safety and security by monitoring the media and other local information sourcesWe recommend following any instructions issued by the local authorities and exercising vigilance in public places.

Petty crime such as bag snatching, passport theft and pickpocketingoccurs and is more common in tourist areas, in larger cities and in and around transport hubs, particularly in Bratislava. Thieves often work together, sometimes involving children, and may distract victims and rob them while their attention is diverted. We advise New Zealanders to be alert to their surroundings at all times and take steps to safeguard and secure their personal belongings.

Car thefts and break-ins also occur. Do not leave belongings in view in your car, make sure it is locked and be wary of others offering help. Criminals sometimes puncture tyres when they are stopped and proceed to follow the vehicle to offer ‘help’ and then rob the target while they are distracted.

Some clubs and restaurants overcharge. Always ask to see the menu and price list before ordering drinks or food, and check your bill carefully before paying. Avoid disputes about overcharging, as they can lead to violence. 

There have been incidents of drink spiking followed by robbery and assault reported in the Slovak Republic. Extra care should be taken to ensure your food and drink is never left unattended. We recommend against accepting drinks from strangers or recent acquaintances.

Civil unrest
Protests and demonstrations occur on occasion in the Slovak Republic and may disrupt local public services and transport. New Zealanders are advised to avoid all demonstrations, protests and large public gatherings as even those intended as peaceful have the potential to turn violent with little warning. Follow any advice from local authorities.

General travel advice
You should carry a photocopy of your passport or another form of identification at all times.

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe and can include lengthy imprisonment.

Same-sex relationships are legal but public displays of affection may be frowned upon or attract unwanted attention.

New Zealanders travelling or living in the Slovak Republic should have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place.

New Zealanders in the Slovak Republic are encouraged to register their details with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Travel tips

The New Zealand Embassy Vienna, Austria is accredited to Slovak Republic

Street Address The ICON Vienna, Tower 24, Level 15, Suite 15.02, Wiedner Gürtel 13, 1100 Vienna, Austria Telephone +43 1 505 3021 Email Web Site Hours Mon-Fri 0900-1200 and from 1400-1600 Note Notarial Services (by appointment only): 0900-1200 Monday & Friday; 1230-1400 Wednesday

New Zealand Honorary Consulate Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Street Address Dvořákovo nábrežie 10, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Telephone + 421 2 5941 8211 Email

See our regional advice for Europe