Animal Exploitation Govt Needs to Act Now – Another dog dead – SAFE demands immediate ban on greyhound racing

Source: SAFE For Animals

SAFE is demanding the Government urgently ban greyhound racing following the tragic death of yet another dog. On Friday, 18 October, What’s On sustained a catastrophic spinal fracture during a race at Addington Raceway in Christchurch. The injury was so severe the dog had to be euthanised.
What’s On is the fourth dog to die this racing season which only began on 1 August, and the 30th fatality since the industry was formally put on notice by the previous Labour Government.
SAFE Campaign Manager Emma Brodie says the time for talking is over, and urgent intervention is gravely needed.
“It is both deeply upsetting and infuriating to witness injury after injury and death after death. This cycle of suffering must come to an end.”
“This industry has shown time and again that it is incapable of change. The evidence of cruelty is undeniable, and the Government can no longer ignore it.”
The Government has stated it will decide the future of greyhound racing in Aotearoa before the end of 2024, with the Minister considering three options: maintaining the status quo, implementing regulatory changes, or banning the industry outright.
But SAFE believes the choice is obvious.
“We don’t need more reports, more inquiries, or more excuses,” says Brodie.
“With every passing day, more dogs suffer and die while this industry remains unchanged. After years of failing to address its cruelty, it’s clear that greyhound racing cannot be reformed. The only compassionate solution is to end it once and for all.”
SAFE is urging the Government to act now and introduce an immediate and comprehensive ban on greyhound racing.
“The Minister has all the evidence he needs to make the right decision and ban greyhound racing in Aotearoa,” says Brodie.
“What’s On’s tragic death must be the last.”