Parliament Hansard Report – Thursday, 17 October 2024 – Volume 779 – 001424

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Hon CHRIS BISHOP (Leader of the House): Next week, the House will consider the first readings of the Mental Health Bill and the Policing (Police Vetting) Amendment Bill. We will consider further stages of the Gambling (Definition of Remote Interactive Gambling) Amendment Bill, the Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, and the Contracts of Insurance Bill. On Thursday morning, there will be extended hours for private, local, and members’ business. On Thursday afternoon there will be a two-hour debate on constituency and local issues.

Just finally, in closing, I’ve just been informed that today is the final day of the Australian Associated Press news outlet in New Zealand. I think they’ve been here for 50 years, including in the press gallery, and I’m sure all members wish them well.

Hon KIERAN McANULTY (Labour): I thank the Leader of the House for the update and thank him for including an extended sitting to cover off the deficit in members’ days. By my calculation, there still is one owing to the House. Can he commit to ensuring there’ll be another extended sitting before the end of the year to tally it up?

Hon CHRIS BISHOP (Leader of the House): Ha, ha! I think it depends on how you define the “owing” point. As the member will be aware, we have had some unanticipated and quite tragic interruptions to the House this year. But certainly, from the Government’s point of view, we will do our best, subject to other important business between now and the end of the year, to fit that in.