Release: Proposed job losses devastating for Timaru

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

News that the Smithfield meatworks could close is devastating for the hundreds of people who work there, Timaru and the wider region.

“This potential closure could leave up to 600 people out of work. Sometimes several members of the same family work in this plant – and this will be distressing news for all of them,” Labour MP based in Rangitata Jo Luxton said.

“These workers contribute to the local economy and businesses, and many have family nearby. Closure would mean some of them have to make the difficult decision to take redundancy or leave the area,” Jo Luxton said.

This is the latest major employer looking to close in New Zealand. Hundreds of jobs have already gone from manufacturing in the North Island in the last month.

“We are seeing rising unemployment as the government ignores the plight of workers,” Labour workplace relations and safety spokesperson Camilla Belich said.

“Even through the global economic shock of the pandemic, Labour supported workers and businesses to keep people in jobs. Now, unemployment rises while the government sits on its hands.

“The Government has chosen to lay off 6000 public servants, has not done anything to help hundreds of workers in the manufacturing sector, and has cancelled Jobs for Nature and reduced funding for Apprenticeship Boost – programmes that help create jobs in our regions.

“The Government needs to stand up for workers and see the value in keeping people in jobs,” Camilla Belich said.

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