Consulting on a ten-year plan for public transport in Canterbury

Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

Consulting on a ten-year plan for public transport in Canterbury | Environment Canterbury

Pets on public transport 

Within the revised plan is a proposal for a new policy that would allow people to travel with domestic pets. In other cities in Aotearoa New Zealand trials of pets on public transport have been successful, with no issues and few complaints.  

“We’re keen to understand what controls are needed for our customers in Greater Christchurch and Timaru to be comfortable with pets on public transport,” Councillor Joe Davies said.  

Conditions being proposed would allow adult passengers to bring a single pet on board, as long it is in an approved carrier at off-peak times (weekdays 9am-3pm, all-day weekends).   

“We want to gauge how people feel about this proposal and also how they would feel about potentially lessening those restrictions in future to allow for leashed and muzzled dogs or increasing the limit to two pets per passenger,” he added.

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Retrieved: 9:25am, Wed 25 Sep 2024