Parliament Hansard Report – Karakia/Prayers – 001409

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


NANCY LU (National): 全能嘅上帝,我哋多謝祢賜畀我哋嘅祝福。撇開所有個人利益,我哋向国王致敬,並祈求喺我哋嘅討論中指引我哋,另我哋能夠以智慧、公義、仁愛同謙卑處理呢個議會嘅事務,為咗新西兰嘅福祉同和平而努力. 阿門.

Almighty God, we give thanks for the blessings which have been bestowed on us. Laying aside all personal interests, we acknowledge the King and pray for guidance in our deliberations, that we may conduct the affairs of this House with wisdom, justice, mercy, and humility for the welfare and peace of New Zealand. Amen.