Teacher Supply Summit and The Education Sector Groups

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA)

Victoria University |Te Herenga Waka has hosted several meetings of a steering group in 2024 to begin to address teacher shortage. Representatives from Council of Deans of Education, NZEI, Te Akatea and PPTA Te Wehengarua were the main attendees, with input from ERO and NZTC. 

The steering group considered how to define the problem of teacher shortage and explore ideas for addressing the problem. 

There has been a strong commitment to working together in a solutions-focused manner, and the agreement to hold a summit on Teacher Supply is the first tangible action from this.  

Teacher Supply Summit September 2-3, 2024 

About 50 people met for a two-day summit in Wellington. They represented 19 organisations including Te Akatea, Teacher Education Forum Aotearoa New Zealand (TEFANZ), NZ Council for Deans of Education, Tertiary ITE providers (Universities: Victoria, Massey, Waikato, Otago, Auckland, Auckland University of Technology ; Other: Manukau Institute of Technology, Bethlehem Tertiary Institute), Unions (NZEI, SPANZ, NZPF, NZPPTA), Teaching Council, Ministry of Education, Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa (formerly known as NZSTA), Normal and Model School Association (NAMSA) and several early childhood organisations. 

PPTA Te Wehengarua was represented by Allan Liddle of SPC, a PCT2, a student-teacher member, the President and two advisory staff.  

NZEI provided the venue. PPTA, Te Akatea, TEFANZ, Council of Deans and NZEI shared the catering and koha. 

Purpose of the Summit 

The steering group’s purpose was “To collaboratively formulate solutions for the challenges associated with teacher supply in Aotearoa New Zealand. This group will develop an iterative long-term plan that includes some foundational values and is responsive to contextual evidence.”