Design changes announced for improvements at SH3 and Waitara Road intersection

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) has today announced changes to the design for safety improvements at the intersection of State Highway 3 and Waitara Road.

The safety improvements are part of Te Ara Tūtohu: SH3 Waitara to Bell Block project.

“We are taking a programme-wide look at all our projects to ensure they’re aligned with the latest Government Policy Statement on land transport (2024) and are being delivered as efficiently as possible. Since the budget for this project was allocated in 2021, construction costs have also increased industry wide,” says Rob Partridge, NZTA Regional Manager for Infrastructure Delivery.

“We remain committed to delivering safety improvements on this stretch of SH3, to benefit local communities and other road users, however changes are needed to ensure the project delivers good value for money.”

To support the safe operation of the future roundabout at the intersection of SH3 and Waitara Road we are making safety improvements to the intersection of Tate Road and Raleigh Street.

“Without the improvements, the intersection would be unsafe due to the increase in traffic along Tate Road from the roundabout,” says Mr Partridge.

The revised design for safety improvements at the intersection includes:

  • turning the section of Raleigh Street between SH3 and Tate Road into a cul-de-sac, with access in and out via SH3
  • creating a T-intersection at the intersection of Raleigh Street and Tate Road with minor changes to the alignment of the road. At the intersection of Raleigh Street and Tate Road, traffic heading south on Tate Road will give way. There will be no access to the section of Raleigh Street between Tate Road and SH3 from Tate Road
  • no longer treating stormwater run-off from private properties adjacent to the intersection. All water run-off from the intersection itself will be fully treated. This will ensure an improvement in the quality of water that flows from the highway into local waterways.

“Changes to the designs for improvements at the SH3A and De Havilland Drive intersections are also being worked through. We remain committed to delivering roundabouts at these intersections to improve the safety and efficiency of the corridor.

“To deliver the roundabout at the SH3/SH3A intersection further funding may be needed,” says Mr Partridge.

NZTA will provide an update on the design and construction timeframes for both the SH3A and De Havilland Drive intersection improvements once they are confirmed.

“Alongside the changes to the designs, we are also looking to get better value for money elsewhere, such as with temporary traffic management, without compromising road worker or user safety,” says Mr Partridge.

Te Ara Tūtohu: SH3 Waitara to Bell Block project