Selwyn District SH1 drivers – 30-minute delays Monday and Wednesday nights at bridge, over-dimension/overweight vehicle drivers forewarning needed

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) advises people who travel on SH1 south of Christchurch after 7pm at night to be ready for up to 30 minute delays Monday and Wednesday nights.

Up to 30 minute road closures on up to two nights a week, Monday and Wednesday, 10pm to 5am the next day, are currently required at the Selwyn River/Waikirikiri Bridge on SH1.

In particular, over-dimension vehicle drivers must contact the Smith Crane and  Construction representatives for width restrictions prior to travel and to coordinate activities for both day and night movements. This is due to temporary lane delineation on the bridge that will be in place while the bridge is propped, but it can be adjusted with prior notice.

The bridge between Rolleston and Dunsandel is getting essential maintenance works. Traffic managers will use Stop/Go to pause drivers in both directions for up to 30 minutes while repairs are being completed on those two nights.

“Outside of these hours there will be temporary speed restrictions and additional lane delineation in place 24/7, with more requirements for overweight and over-dimension vehicles” says Tracy-Leigh Bell, Network Manager Structures, for NZTA in Canterbury.

The work began mid-August and will be continuing Monday and Wednesday nights, through to the end of October. 

“We encourage drivers who routinely use this part of SH1 after 7pm or overnight to build in the extra time for Monday and Wednesday nights and be ready for a slower than usual journey the rest of the time. We will publish on our webpage and use electronic signs to indicate the period of the closure for the night ahead at least 24 hours in advance.”

NZTA thanks all SH1 Canterbury drivers for taking care around the bridge repair crews and slowing to 30km/h.

Overweight and over-dimension vehicle drivers, crawl central travel

Overweight permitted vehicles may continue to use the bridge except:

  • If the bridge crossing condition on the overweight permit shows a “do not cross” for the structure.
  • If the bridge crossing condition on the overweight permit shows a ‘crawl central’ condition for the structure. While the bridge is propped, as of 4 September, crawl central travel is not available without prior specific approval to confirm the vehicle’s allowable position on the bridge.
  • 50MAX and HPMV permitted vehicles may continue to use the bridge during the repairs works with their existing permit.

Over-dimension vehicle drivers wanting to travel over the bridge must contact the Smith Crane and Construction representatives for width restrictions prior to travel and to coordinate activities for both day and night movements. This is due to temporary lane delineation on the bridge that will be in place during the work, but it can be adjusted with prior notice.

Over-dimension permitted vehicle drivers and overweight permitted vehicle drivers need to follow these requirements for the remainder of the works, not only during night closures.

NZTA Journey Planner(external link)