Green Party welcomes new Maaori Kuiini

Source: Green Party

The Green Party welcomes the coronation of the new Maaori Kuiini, Te Arikinui Nga Wai Hono i te Po, today in Turangawaewae.

“The Green Party embraces Te Arikinui Nga Wai Hono i te Po’s accession ki te Ahurewa Tapu, and acknowledges the Kuiini as the head of the Kiingitanga movement,” says Green Party Co-Leader Chlöe Swarbrick.

“The Kiingitanga movement is not a conquering monarchy, but one built by Māori for the good of all, and we know the Kuiini will step consciously in carrying that legacy and future of kotahitanga for the nation we all can aspire to be. 

“As Kiingi Tuuheitia lays to rest on Taupiri maunga next to his mother, Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu, and his tūpuna who stood as Kiingi before him, we mihi to Te Arikinui Nga Wai Hono i te Po, who is just the second wahine to ever take the mantle,” says Chlöe Swarbrick.

Green Party MP and chair of the Te Mātāwaka caucus, Teanau Tuiono, also welcomed the coronation of the new Maaori Kuiini, while acknowledging the legacy of the late Kiingi Tuuheitia:

“We take this opportunity to pay tribute to Kiingi Tuuheitia and his legacy of fostering Kotahitanga, noting the importance of kotahitanga in diversity. I am also reminded of his commitment to the taiao, not just here but right around the Pacific.

“As we have seen in recent days, with so many people coming together from across the motu to mark the passing of Kiingi Tuuheitia, kotahitanga is the beating heart of our country and provides a way forward as we confront the major challenges of our time.

“The Green Party looks forward to working with the Kiingitanga under the leadership of Te Arikinui Nga Wai Hono i te Po,” says Teanau Tuiono.