Auckland Council and Mayor Wayne Brown Mourn the Passing of King Tuuheitia

Source: Auckland Council

Tiwhatiwha te poo, anuanu te ao, koinei te apakura ki te kiingi Maaori kua riro ki ngaa riponga o te awa o mate. He toromi ki te wai, he auee ki te whenua.

Ko ngaa wai o roimata e kato nei, e kato nei. Katohia te mata o te whenua, katohia te whatumanawa o te iwi Maaori i te rirohanga o te taniwha hikuroa, i te rirohanga o te tipua kotahitanga, i te rirohanga o teetahi o ngaa au o te mana motuhake Maaori.

Ko te kaahui Maaori, otiraa te kaahui whaanui o Te Kaunihera o Taamaki Makaurau e komohia ana ngaa pare kawakawa, e rangona ana te koropupuutanga o te puna poouri nui whakaharahara.

Kei te kiingi, kei te herenga kaakaho, moe mai raa me te moohio ka moemoeaa tonu taatou kia taapae atu ki te whakatinanatanga o too oohaakii, kia kotahi ai taatou.

Naa reira, e moe, e moe, moe mai raa.

On behalf of the Auckland Council Group, Mayor Wayne Brown extends his deepest condolences to the people of Waikato-Tainui, and all of the Kiingitanga, following the passing of Kiingi Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII.

Kiingi Tuuheitia, was a respected leader and steadfast advocate for iwi Maaori and he has made significant contributions to the well-being and advancement of Maaori across the motu and in Taamaki Makaurau over the past 18 years. He has left an indelible mark on our city and its people and his unwavering support for building strong relationships between Taamaki Makaurau mana whenua and the many Maaori Communities that reside in our city, along with his commitment to the prosperity of Taamaki Makaurau, will be remembered with deep respect and gratitude.

Mayor Wayne Brown has acknowledged Kiingi Tuuheitia’s significant contributions, saying

“Kiingi Tuuheitia was a leader of immense mana, whose dedication to the people of Taamaki Makaurau and his iwi Waikato-Tainui has been a guiding light for us all.

His leadership in fostering relationships with Maaori and his ongoing support for Auckland’s development has enriched our city and strengthened our ties with Maaori throughout our region. His legacy will continue to inspire us in our work with mana whenua, Maaori communities and the broader community.”

Over his reign, Kiingi Tuuheitia has played a pivotal role in Auckland’s cultural and social landscape. His leadership and influence have been instrumental in advancing the partnership between the city and iwi, ensuring that the voices of mana whenua have been supported, heard and respected in decisions impacting Taamaki Makaurau.

Auckland Council stands in solidarity with Kiingi Tuuheitia’s whaanau, Waikato-Tainui and all of our communities who are mourning this profound loss. We honour Kiingi Tuuheitia’s memory and commit to upholding the values and principles he championed throughout his life.


For media inquiries, please contact:

Matt Rogers | Auckland Mayoral Office

Phone 027 276 8533

Michael Hennessy | Ngā Mātārae

Phone 021 666 462