Parliament Hansard Report – Business Statement – 001386

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Hon LOUISE UPSTON (Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector) on behalf of the Leader of the House: Today, the House will adjourn until Tuesday, 10 September. In that week, the House will consider the second readings of the Education and Training Amendment Bill and the Contracts of Insurance Bill. It will also consider the third reading of the Corrections Amendment Bill. On Tuesday, there are the Estimates debates for the health, Māori development, and transport portfolios. Wednesday will be a members’ day.

Hon KIERAN McANULTY (Labour): I thank the acting Leader of the House for that. The question that I have is around the extended sittings. If it happens, like it did this week, that it’s not required, would the Government consider using that scheduled extended sitting to fill the deficit in the outstanding members’ day during that time?

Hon LOUISE UPSTON (Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector): I know the members opposite are excited about the huge amount of work and legislation that the Government is progressing, and he’ll just have to wait and see.