Local News – Porirua City to retain Māori ward and go to a poll

Source: Porirua City Council

Porirua City Council has voted unanimously to retain its Māori ward, meaning a poll on the ward’s future will be held at next year’s local election.
In 2021 Council resolved to establish the Parirua Māori Ward, as a way to guarantee Māori representation on Council. The ward was introduced at the 2022 local election.
A recent Government legislative change means councils that established Māori wards without a referendum of voters are now required to either disestablish their ward or hold a binding poll in the 2025 local government elections.
At today’s meeting of the full Council the decision was taken to retain the ward and go to a poll.
The poll will ask voters if they wish to retain Porirua’s Māori Ward for those enrolled on the Māori roll or for the ward to be incorporated in Porirua’s General wards.
The Council noted that its partnership with mana whenua is extremely important. This is acknowledged by the signing of the Partnership Agreement with Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira in 2017, and the adoption of the Maungaroa 2050 Māori Strategy by Council last year.
Porirua Mayor Anita Baker said the poll means it’s more important than ever for people to enrol and vote at next year’s election.
“The decision is being put in the hands of voters, so we want to make sure as many Porirua people as possible have input into that decision.
“The Māori ward works effectively in Porirua and it’s unfortunate that we have to pay for a poll when we don’t see any need for change.
“I support our Deputy Mayor Kylie Wihapi, who was elected as the councillor for the Parirua Maori Ward in 2022 and is doing a fantastic job.”
Porirua City’s voter turnout at the 2022 local elections sat at 37 per cent and Council is exploring ways to increase engagement with the public and boost those numbers.
Enrolment for both the Māori electoral roll and General electoral roll are open now. Check to see if you are eligible to enrol and vote by visiting vote.nz or call the Electoral Commission on 0800 36 76 56.
The next local election will be held on 11 October 2025.