Business Sector – Consensus approach welcomed – BusinessNZ

Source: BusinessNZ

BusinessNZ congratulates the Infrastructure Minister for his commitment to building consensus.
BusinessNZ Advocacy Director Catherine Beard says the Minister’s address to the infrastructure community today reflected the strong desire by business for more bipartisanship in infrastructure.
“The Minister’s commitments to an independent National Infrastructure Plan, the use of independent agencies in planning, and the commitment to have the Infrastructure Commission regularly communicate with all parties represented in Parliament on progress towards the National Infrastructure Plan – all indicate that we are moving on from the blight of wasteful stop-start infrastructure provision.
“The private sector will be encouraged to invest in new projects only if there is confidence in the continuity of a pipeline of infrastructure, unaffected by changes in government.
“Business will be extremely supportive of a long-term approach to infrastructure that transcends political cycles,” Catherine Beard said.
The BusinessNZ Network including BusinessNZ, EMA, Business Central, Business Canterbury and Business South, represents and provides services to thousands of businesses, small and large, throughout New Zealand.