Activist News – PSNA National Secretary to question Rakon about support for genocide in Gaza at company AGM in Ellerslie this morning

Source: Palestinian Solidarity Network Aotearoa (PSNA)


PSNA National Secretary Neil Scott will be attending the Rakon Limited AGM this morning to ask about the company’s provision of weapons components used in Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.


A picket of the AGM by PSNA supporters will take place outside at the same time.


Rakon is well known as an exporter of crystal oscillators for use in guided munitions. These components are sent to US weapons manufacturers which build the weapons which are then sent to Israel for use in its ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people of Gaza.


In recent months Rakon has tried to muddy the water on this issue by saying it doesn’t know where its components end up but this is wilful ignorance at best. It flies in the face of the company’s stated desire to be the world leader in provision of crystal oscillators for US weapons manufacturers.


The company has tried to avoid being questioned by insisting questions be sent through before the meeting to be vetted by the company.


The question sent in by Neil Scott is this:

Has the Rakon Board, and/or its senior management team, factored in the potential damage to Rakon as a company for supplying components for Munitions used by the Israeli military to commit Genocide in Gaza?


The Rakon AGM is on at 10.30am this morning Wednesday 28 August in the Great Northern Room, Ellerslie Event Centre, Ellerslie Racecourse, 80 Ascot Avenue, Remuera, Auckland. 



John Minto

PSNA National Chair