Add your voice: Save Whaikaha, the Ministry for Disabled People

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

After months of targeting disabled people, the National Government has dealt its harshest blow yet by slashing Whaikaha, the Ministry of Disabled People.

The National Government plans to cut the majority of staff from Whaikaha, and is taking away the Ministry’s control of $2 billion of funding for disabled people.

The Government has also paused the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) programme, leaving its future uncertain. The programme gives choice and control to disabled people to lead the lives they want to live.

National claims this is about saving money – but doesn’t know how much money they hope to save. This is poorly thought-out spin at the expense of disability communities.

The only thing we can be sure of is that disability communities will be missing out, while Māori will be disproportionally impacted. 

Add your voice: Use the template below to email Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Minister for Disability Issues Louise Upston to share why these changes must be stopped.

What are the problems with these changes?

  • Whaikaha is diminished: Shifting $2 billion worth of disabled support services to MSD, means stripping significant resources away from the very Ministry meant to serve disabled New Zealanders.
  • Enabling Good Lives progress stalled: EGL was set up by the previous National government and continued by Labour. It gives disabled people more choice and control – now disabled New Zealanders must wait longer for this.
  • Nothing about us, without us: Disabled people deserve to have their voices heard on changes that affect them, and yet again, the Government is leaving them behind.

Please share this news with friends and family and encourage them to have their say.

Together, we will fight to ensure the disability community have their voices heard.

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